Wednesday, June 18, 2008


6-9-08 -- Peacekeeper Park -- This is a work of love in motion.  It is the passion of Eugene & Linda Smith, with whom we were pleased to share the stage at the Red Friday Rally in Sarnia just a few days earlier.

Miles away from London, and miles more to Toronto, it sits on a beautiful parcel of lush green earth.

You might drive past it, except the white crosses filling the field draw you.  It is a quiet place, or at least it was on the afternoon of our visit.

We were inside the King Marco Mess ... and yes, there IS a story behind that one.  The tin roof loudly echoed the rain that poured down on us.  The humidity built and the mosquitoes found meals on several of us, but it was worth every bite (maybe not in the moment) to see this memorial to the Fallen Heroes of Canada.

Each of them is named and honored inside the mess.  The flag is raised and lowered appropriately, and though they have passed the memories of each are kept alive inside the mess.

We listened to Gene tell of the initial idea and inevitable beginning of this quiet and unassuming tribute.  It is truly a growing memorial, and we look forward to seeing it the next time we visit to see the changes made.

We were joined in the beginning of this visit by members of Malahide Fire Services.  A small cadre, but filled with the spirit of troop support.  Another example that you don't have to be a part of a large department to make a difference.  Sometimes in fact it is the small town shirts showing up in the desert that causes the biggest stir.

After having our souls refilled, our bellies were next, and Linda put on quite the spread.  We all ate our fill ... including the yellow ribbon cake treats she made for the event.  Nice touch!

We salute the folks involved in Peacekeeper Park!


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