Saturday, June 14, 2008

Honour Coin Presentation & Sunshine Foundation Social w/the RCMP Musical Ride


6-6-08 -- Sunshine Foundation Social with the RCMP Musical Riders, and the official coin presentations for fallen RCMP Mounties, Constables Christopher Worden & Doug Scott.

The day had been swelteringly hot, and the glass windows in the room for the dinner were letting in a lot of light and heat.  But before long, we were all engrossed in the reason for this visit, the presentation of the first Hero coins for our Canadian Heroes.

The room cooled off, the snacks hit the spot, and the presentations were made by the Sunshine Foundation to the children they were honoring.

As the evening fell and the sky filled with rain, lightning and thunder, we all turned our focus to the two families who were there to accept the honors.

Due to circumstances outside our control, only one of the coins was available and presented.  But there were honors to both, nonetheless.

Our intent was that both of these noble men would be honored and their families would get to feel that we will not forget them.

Comments we received from those who got their coins were very positive, and we absolutely hope that both of these families were pleased.

More will follow, stay tuned.


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