Sunday, June 1, 2008

Fairfax Police Department- Mason & Sully Stations

5-24-08 -- Fairfax PD -- On every tour there is a moment that takes our breath away, in the past couple days there have been a few, but the one that will remain always will be the tour given to us by MPO Brad Carruthers of the Fairfax PD.
Two years ago we were visiting Fairfax for the first time.  We did not get to the Fairfax Police Department as they had just endured surely one of the most painful events of their existence.

Master Police Officer Michael Garbarino & Detective Vicky Armel were killed in the line of duty on May 8th, 2006.  It was a particularly awful ambush right there at the station, and both of these officers acted heroically and are obviously still missed by all who knew them.

It was most apparent as Brad shared the memorial that is proudly displayed, and a most fitting tribute to these Fallen Heroes.  Being able as an outsider to be allowed to see the all too human feelings of police officers makes this effort so much more personal.  I think many of us see the strong, slightly detached officer in uniform as a formidable icon with a shield that is impenetrable.  We think that this is their job, and they can turn it off at the end of their shift.  Not so.

Just as we recognize the wounds in our returned troops after seeing the ravages of war, if you look closely into the eyes of those in blue, you will see a different ravage of war.  This war is fought on our home turf, and it is filled with gangs, and drugs, and apathy, and bureaucracy, and ideals of what could be.

Happily when we get the chance to meet and spend time with more and more officers we see them in a more personal way, and we are proud to know them.  They don't join up because they like giving out tickets and bothering people, they, (like our firefighters and troops) have a thought of what is right and wrong, and how much better this world could be if we didn't have to worry about being hurt or wronged.

And when you get a cop laughing, it is a feel good for all.  We love having fun with our law enforcement heroes & friends ... And they have so many ways they can play with our stunt bears that get a lot of attention when the troops look in to see how their hometowns are representing.

Mason Station was just such a station.  Brad took us in for a cold call visit.  I told them about the program and introduced them to our mascots, and it was smooth sailing and pepper balls from there on!

There are always ideas that range from silly to downright dangerous when you get these specialty fields together and tell them to get creative for their stunt bear photo ops.  It would be a crack up to record one of these sessions.

Ms Ineeda Medic found herself strapped to a brick pillar with yellow tape as small balls of talc and pepper sprayed her.  For all of this, all she lost was her left eyelashes and a couple stitches.  And no worry, she says "this was nuthin' ... bring it on!"  **Oh and kiddies, remember this is a highly trained stunt bear with credentials far beyond that of most of her fuzzy friends!  So never ever ever try to do any of the things our stunt bears do.  Just enjoy their stunts & share their adventures with your friends and classmates.**

Things got silly, we all had fun, and this is afterall a Troop Morale Campaign.  When deployed troops from Fairfax County see this you know they are gonna be laughing, so well done!  (But how will we ever get this pepper out of our lil friend?  Hmmm ...)

Thank you Fairfax PD, Officer Carruthers and all who made this the great time it was.  Y'all rock!

And God Bless Officers Garbarino and Armel.  You are loved.


**A special "SO good to see you!  And thank you so much!"  To a dear friend a true supporter to the cause of troop morale, Sharon Basso.  As it turns out, there are lots of our familiar Fort Lewis faces living in the DC-Metro area.  Sharon is one of our all time favorites.   I missed getting to see her last time, so it was very nice of Officer Carruthers to drop us by to visit here and her awesome family.  The visit was short, the hugs too few, but the moments memorable and warm.  And on top of all that Sharon gave me the coolest photo album that he had designed and decorated.  As with all she touches, her heart shines through.

Interesting footnote, as we were talking and making introductions, it came out that Sharon's brother was a member of the Fairfax PD a number of years back.  Who knew?  Love coincidences, don't you?


Tags: , , , MPO Micahel Garbarino, Det Vicky Armel

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