Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year's to Hometown Heroes from our Troops

It's that time again.  Time for our Troops to send a message to their hometown fire and police departments ...

We at HeroToHero.US wish you all a safe and happy new year.  And of course this means it's time for the hometown Heroes to start getting those shirts in. 

Adoption requests close at midnight.  We are at +/- 7,000 troop requests for the shirts off your backs.  We have never had to say no to a unit, let alone a troop ... Let's let that record stand.

So, here are the messages we have so far.  If you see a message to a department with which you have contact, please make sure they see it.


Aloha, my name is Nicole and I am writing to extend my warmest thanks to your organization for everything that you do for our troops.  A while back, I had found your website and thought it was by far one of the most wonderful ideas I had come across.  I had put my husband's name, who was deployed to Iraq, on your site and let it go at that.  Now, my husband is safely home from Iraq, thank God for that, and I was doing some laundry and came across a shirt out of his duffle bag I had never seen.  I unfolded the shirt to find that it was a HerotoHero shirt.  I immediately knew what it was, but asked him about it to see what he was told about it.  He told me that his entire unit received shirts and that no one had any idea where they had come from.  He told me how this was such an awe insipiring moment for his soldiers because it really showed that people out there care for the troops and appreciate their sacrifices.  I just want to thank you again for the support you show and please know it is appreciated. 
Much Respect and Thanks,


Please add this message to your journal:
From an Army Reserve unit currently serving in the desert, from LOCK HAVEN, PA: A big "Water Dawg" thanks to all the Hometown Heroes who keep us safe at home!  (Attached is a picture - feel free to post if you want.) 
**Consider it posted! 

SFC Brack ... "One Team, One Fight"

I just want to say thanks for looking out for my family and friends back there, while we are out here.


Anchorage, Alaska -- It's a lot hotter out here than back home right now.  Not near as pretty, and I miss the lights this time of year.  Please look out for my family, I count on you guys to do that while I'm not there.  For the record, we support you too.

Michael, US ARMY, SGT


San Antonio, Texas -- Hey!  Where's MY shirt?!  Deployed once, will go again.  Hope you're there for my guys next time! 

SSgt Morris, USAF


Walnut Creek, California -- My husband was wounded seriously on his deployment.  We had some issues and weren't together right away after.  When I finally saw him he was wearing a shirt from South San Francisco Fire.  He said they had gotten a whole bunch of shirts from Hero To Hero, and this was as close to home as he could get.  He wears it for his PT.  Hope Walnut Creek will join, so other hometown soldiers get a shirt.  You have no idea how special this is to him.  It's a reminder of "there", and love from home all at once.  Thank you for making him smile.  Thanks to Hero To hero, too.  Great program!

Proud Army wife, Sarah


Bradenton, Florida -- Everyone needs to get back to the Bible.  Pray for the Army virtues, the soldiers, and government workers, and fire and police.  Praise Jesus



Baltimore, Maryland --  Be safe.  God bless!



Fargo, North Dakota -- Feels like home out here, lotta cold, ya know.  Good to see my hometown giving their shirts.  Hope to get one!  Happy new year to you all.  Take care of my "Moms"!

SPC Brian J., US Army


Lismon, Alabama -- Be safe.  Happy New Year!  I'm on R&r right now.  I'm part of a unit adopted for Hero To Hero this time around.  Hope to get a hometown shirt!

SPC Donald Ruffin, Jr


Chicago, Illinois -- My dad was a firefighter.  You guys have always been heroes to me.  You have no idea how cool it is seeing all the shirts out here.  Pictures don't do it justice.  Please keep this going.  Just seeing all the different logos and getting to talk about our hometowns has been pretty neat.  Better yet, when we all get back there.  Gonna be tough going back after this holiday R&R.

Lt Johnson, US Army


GREAT STATE of NEBRASKA! -- C'mon Cornhuskers!  We all know we have the best shirts, send some to us!  We just need a few.  Be safe and we will too.

SPC M Johnson, Army


Gillette, Wyoming -- Great job!  Keep up the good work!

Major Joe Sullivan, US Army


Fairfax, Virginia -- Have a great New Year's!  Keep supporting the troops.  I've been once, and am going again.  It's good to know that Fairfax is supporting me out there!

PVT Jose Hernandez


Marion, North Carolina -- Keep up the good work and be safe.  Keep giving us the support we need, it matters to us.  Hopefully when I come home, I will join you on the job!  PS ... Please send me a shirt signed by all of you in the police and fire services.

PFC Epperson


Olympia, Washington -- My wife is "out there" and I wish everyday that she was back here with us.  This is hard for us, can't imagine what she goes thru (she doesn't share a lot), but I know that morale is a huge thing.  Please do all you can to make her and the others with her smile.  (And Baby if you're reading this, we love you.  I am with you.)

Mike - husband of the best soldier in the Army!


Panorama City, California -- Thank you foryour support.  I will deploy next year and look forward to seeing MT hometown shirt in the box!

PVT Ayala, Army


Portland, Maine -- You have no idea how much I wish I was home right now.  But like you, we have a job to do.  Do yours well, and guard my family.  We will do our job, and guard America for you all.  Send us some shirts!

Serving in the Guard, at home in my heart, Sgt JM--


Burleson, Texas -- It'd be cool to open the boxes and see a Burleson Heroes have stepped up for us!  Save me a spot on the roster, I hope to join you one day ... Getting lots of training!

PFC Vandeven


Tacoma, Washington -- Keep up the good work!  Thank you for your sacrifices.  Your shirts really do make a difference!

Retired Army E-7 Peralta


San Antonio, Texas -- Good job!  Just got back and got to visit home.  Please keep up the support!

Army E-4 Gordon


St Louis, Missouri -- Our fire and police are the best!  My hometown is the best.  Don't need no other shirt 'cept one from MY hometown!  Just kidding, well kinda!  But I do want a shirt from you all!  And feel free to send a few to the Marines, heehee.

Navy Corpsman, M Reed


Tacoma, Lakewood & Yelm, Washington --  Thanks for your outstanding support and what you do for our Troops, public service and overall support.  Heroes!

SSGT Clark, Army


Norton, Kansas --  Thank you for your support.  Knowing my hometown is behind me is so important.  Happy New Year to all of you.

SGT Ball, Army


New York City -- The the FDNY, Appreciate all you do.  you are just as important as all the troops.  I am from Harlem, and proud of the FDNY!

PFC Stella, ARMY


Barstow, California -- You are the real Heroes!  You do so much for the community and the support for the soldiers in and out of the area is phenomenal.  We hope to do you proud!  By the way, would love to get a Barstow shirt!

Sgt Kelly, US Army


Charleston, South Carolina -- You are in our prayers.  God bless.  Please keep supporting the troops!

SGT Wragg, Army


Detroit, Michigan -- Got a shirt from the DFD.  You all rock!  I wore it so much the first time around that it's sorta rude now.  Can you send me a new one?

SRA Jones, Air Force


Helena, Montana -- How do I get a shirt from MY hoemtown?  I am deploying soon.  Anyone from Helena gonna give it up?  If I get one, I'll bring you one back when I get home, from the desert, I mean.

PV1 Bill J, Army


Michigan City, Indiana -- My dad is in the war and I miss him.  He would like a shirt, and when he gets home it could be my nightshirt.  I like blue.

Signed Annie


Uhrichsville, Ohio -- Keep it safe back home and we'll take care of it overseas.  HOOAH!

PV1 Maurer, Army


San Bernardino, California -- A shout out to my heroes!  If I didn't go military, I would have been a cop.  Looking to be one one day after.  Man, make sure they do this.  Get me one too!

PVT G Cruz, Army and proud of it


Canyon, Texas --  Where I come from, they heavily support the Troops.  We are proud of that.  Us Troops appreciate it a lot.  I salute Canyon, Texas!

PV1 Woodall, ARMY


Grandview, Washington -- Helping you protect everyone's family and friend in the valley!

PVT Lei, Army


Tucson, Arizona -- I got one of the Tucson Fire shirts a couple years ago, I still wear it.  I can tell you exactly what I was doing the moment I got it.  The box opened and someone knew I was from there so they took it for me.  I went through and got one from Amarillo.  Reading the words and messages made me laugh and (of course, not me) cry.  It made me think of home wearing it that night, it was as close as I could get.  Next time I had the chance to wear the shirt I pulled it on and it was suddenly a Tucson shirt.  My buddy swapped them out.  He doesn't really have a hometownso it didn't mean as much.  Kinda sad for him, but great for me.  He wears Amarillo.  Thanks Tucson.  Send more for the rest of us out there now!

SFC Moore, US Army


San Jose, California -- Nice to see hometown heroes supporting national heroes.  Keep it up!

SPC Squires, Army


Lacey, WA -- Keep up the good work!  We expect to see lots of Lacey shirts in the boxes!

SGT Gott, Army


Newberg, Oregon -- A salute to Newberg from a hometown Troop.  It's nice to know you support us!

SPC Powell, Army


Saluda, California -- I made it!!!  HOO-AH!  Support us

PFC Gresham, Army


Albany, Oregon -- My husband is deployed.  Thanks for supporting our Troops, they need it.  Sure hopes he gets an Albany shirt.

Wife of SGT Tobey, US Army


Wellington, Missouri -- I will be deploying soon,  It would be great to see that Wellington has shown their support for us. 

E-4 Cramer, Army


Salisbury, New York -- Thank you for your support!

SGT McDonald, Army


Salt Lake City, Utah -- SLC is the best hometown you can have.  It's a close place.  I miss everything about it.  Sure glad to hear that you are part of the program.  Wanna know that we are represented in the desert.  Will be home soon.  Send shirts.

SSGT Jackson, USAF


Shirley, Massachusetts -- Glad to hear Massachusetts is stepping up for us!

PV2 Thibault, Army


Austin, Texas -- Been there, got the shirt!  Austin, I'm still weird.  It worked!  Thanks for the shirt.  Send more for the rest back there.

SGT M Young


Lafayette, Indiana -- Thank you for your prayers and support.  Thank you for protecting the homefront!  God bless.

LT Henderson, Army



**There are more, I will post them and add new ones as they arrive. 

Feel free to send us your message!


Tuesday, December 19, 2006


We lovingly refer to this crew as the Godzilla Gang ... so named for the TFFT rigs they work from.  You will see them in the pictures, they are the very large military green fire trucks.  They are extremely large, and make lots of noise, and do things I have no knowledge of ... Except I hear you can put out a fire with them.  ( ;
This is the crew that has supported our efforts for the past two cycles of H2H.  They are attached to the historic 555 "Triple Nickel", and we hold them all near and dear to our hearts.  So as you look at the photos, realize that yes, these are firefighters ... but these are "dual Heroes", as they are also active duty members of the US Army!
And so it was that they invited me to come play with them for the day.  It was about 40 degrees and really windy, but that didn't keep them from going into fires and using lots of water ... ummm, cold water, that is.
Our buddy, Ray, gave up his turnouts so that I could safely go in to the burn tower.  I have said it before, but I will say it again ... Fire fighters do not make enough money!!!
I would show you what it looked like inside as the flames rolled over the ceiling, or how our lil Stunt Bear looked when she finally caught fire.  (Not that we have been trying to catch her on fire ... but it finally did happen!  And before we get messages from the kids ... She is fine, but could use a lil help with her hairdo.  Sigh.)  I would show you all of the pictures ofthat, except that if I had taken the camera inside, it would have likely melted! 
It was incredibly hot, but it was way cool to be able to take the nozzle and put down a couple rollovers.  Woohoo!  I was feeling like I could do anything.  But then, they added some heat and actually went all the way inside the building to do their mission, dragging charged hoses.  They came out steaming, checking to see if they had burnt anything, and soaking in the water.  And life was put back in perspective ... I was a piker.  These are the Heroes.  they will charge into a burning building and do the magic they do.  I, on the other hand, had to be escorted as I held hands with another of our favorites, Rich.  He spoon-fed me directions and made sure I was completely safe as I put out my lil flames.  But hey, it was fun!
Thank you to the Godzilla Gang.  Glad to meet the new members of the team, and you all will be seeing more of them in the future as they help us out with HeroToHero.US
Now, you wanna see some real Heroes in action?  Check out the pix!
PS ... The storm hit us all hard up here in the great Pacific Northwet.  Members of our Core Team had some damage done to their property, others sailed through it unscathed.  My power was out til yesterday afternoon.  Listening to the winds that hit us was reminiscent of hurricanes I've been in.  It was scary at times, and cold the whole time.  There are still over 100,000 people in the dark, and others who have died in this.
Our first responders and line repairmen are working round the clock.  Trust me, there are a lot of us who saw the utility trucks arriving as the cavalry coming to the rescue! 
Be safe everyone and have a safe and happy holiday season!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


**We would like to say a special thank you to Helen Granger, who called KGMI 790 Radio in Bellingham.  Thanks to her call, Amanda Hostetler called us and gave us the opportunity to spread the word on the air this afternoon.  Thank you Helen and Amanda!

So, what is the latest for HeroToHero.US (H2H)?

Well, the shirt drive is well under way, as are the Troop Adoption Requests.  We have over 6,000 Troops asking for Hero shirts.

And the shirts are coming in.  We are getting them processed as they arrive, so that every item, whether it be shirt, hat, sweats, etc., will bear the program name ... HeroToHero.US just near the department logo, over the heart usually.

Adoption requests close on New Year's Eve.  Shirts that are being sent to us, need to arrive by the Valentine's Day deadline.

First Responders who are local to the Puget Sound, or who are coming in for the big annual PackOut event, can bring their donated items with them .... Just give us an idea of how many things you're bringing so we know how many requests we can fill.

To date, we have never had to turn a soldier away, and we want to make sure that every Troop asking will get something from a Hometown Hero across the country.  We can do this!

Oh, and a clarification .... Canada is on board with this effort!  Canadian First Responders are collecting shirts for their Troops!  **If you need more info on this part of the program, do not hesitate to contact us at

We are still looking for the biggest Angel of all ... the one that can help us with shipping!  There are several nibbles from folks that are trying to take care of that end of things ... But, we are seriously looking!

The fourth annual H2H PackOut will be held on Saturday, February 24th.  As we get closer, we will post more info.  this year's events are all classified for grown ups only.  We tried very hard to accommodate all the kids, but it took the focus off what we need to accomplish the day of the PackOut ... And we need all the room we can get!

There will be a big post party ata very nice Tacoma nightclub, we are setting a $10 cover charge to get in for "An Evening of Heroes".  However, please note that there is no cover charge for a first responder wearing their department shirt ... and no cover charge for a soldier wearing the shirt they received from a first responder during their deployment.

Firefighter Pipes & Drums from Seattle and Tualatin Valley (with a few more expressing interest) have stepped up to play for the evening ... and don't be thinking stodgy ... these guys rock!  As during the day, there will be prizes and surprises during the party.

So, the latest?  We need every first responder to get their items to us!  You can go to the main site and download flyers for the collection boxes in departments/stations. 

Think you can;t help cuz you aren't local?  Think again!  If your hometown has fire/police ... you can help!  Get them to the website!!!  www.HeroToHero.US  High schoolers, seniors, housewives, organizations, citizens.  Just keep politics and pro/anti out of it ... and do it with respect and honor for our Troops, and we can use your help!


Let us know anything else you might need.  And stay tuned ... A hint?  Some of the shirts have already found their way to the desert.  Can't tell you who is getting them just yet.  But keep watching, it was a great event and we'll have some great photos after!

Please spread the word!  We NEED your help!



Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Check out the NEW H2H Journals!

There is soooooooooo much that goes on in the HeroToHero.US effort, that oft times it is not appropriate to post over something that should be up for more that just a day or two.

For that reason, we have created the following Journals, to coincide peacefully with this one.  Each serves a different purpose, and we hope you will check them all out and please feel free to send a comment or two.  *Sometimes the counters reset themselves magically and we really have no idea how often they are being viewed.  We removed this Journal's counter after it kept resetting and made it look like we had been read 12 times in three years.  Grrrrrrrrrrr ... lol

So check them out, and feel free to share them or send any inputs/corrections to us.

 A Moment of Silence, Please                                                                                        So many send us notices when they lose someone from their unit/department/family, and ask us to share the info.   It's not always easy to know who to, or not to, send the info to.  This Journal was created so you have a place to find that info, and post messages or thoughts for lost Heroes.

You can send your inputs to us and we will post, along with photos and messages ...                     

It's Official ...
Want to know who is participating in the HeroToHero.US effort ... Or see some of the faces from the department who sent you your shirt?  Here ya go!
Go to the main site www.HeroToHero.US and look in the "Downloadable Flyer" section.  You can print off the flyer and pose for your department.  Get creative, and make sure that Troops would be able to tell where this department is.  Send us the photo and any messages, we'll post them here for you.
BadAss Heroes ...
This is one of my favorites!  It has become tradition to get several shots when we visit departments.  Used to be we asked firefighters to "drop top" to prove they would truly give the shirt off their back for our Troops. (Okay, we still do that on rare occasion)  But now we do the ... Kids cover your eyes ... BadAss shot.
It is done at every stop now.  If we haven't visited your department yet, feel free to get this one and send it to us along with your shirts for the Troops ... REMEMBER, the Shirt Drive is on!!!  Directions for this one are right on the Journal itself.
We may also post the citations (We "ticket" law enforcement ~ the fine?  A shirt for the Troops, of course!) ... cuz the Cops don't get out of this one without some fun, too!  Or, who knows, we may start a journal for this one, too!
And lastly ... Stuff You Send Me ...
Despite requests not to get a lot of "stuff" in my inbox that does not pertain to the H2H efforts, it happens.  And on occasion, some of it is worth sharing.  But I rarely forward these things.  So here are some of the highlights of those that caught my eye.
Enjoy ... And we NEED those shirts!  When the PackOut happens, we will post the events, including the after-party "An Evening of Heroes".  More to follow.  But a hint ... IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OF YOUR DEPARTMENT'S PIPES & DRUMS ... We would love to hear from you right away!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I'll Take it From Here

We've all seen it, but do you know the true story behind this drawing?

I am often asked if I have a copy of this artwork, and we wanted to use it on our site, so Tara did the research and actually got hold of the artist for us.  What a great guy.  We will be adding a thumbnail of this drawing with a direct link to his story on the main page, and are honored to do so.

Do yourself a favor and learn the real story from the artist whoe created this icon of the 9/11 era, Jeff Grier.  We have linked below, and suggest that next time someone asks you for a copy, you send them right to the source. 

Not often you can contact someone directly who has done something so inspirational!

BTW, the artwork we have all come to know so well, was actually the preliminary sketch.  To see the true final copy, visit Jeff's site.

The Story Behind the Image ...
Contrary to many inaccurate tales and Internet legends, this is the real story behind the image that has inspired thousands of people.


Monday, October 16, 2006

More "Nickels" Roll In ...

Rain, rain, go away ... the "Nickel's" comin' home today!

And so it was that as the lunch hour drew near, the families, friends, and loved ones of the Triple Nickel got their fill.

Another large group of the 555 rolled in to applause, hugs, kisses and tears.  There will be more to come and this posting will not be finished until they are all back home.

We salute the Triple Nickel, Col Rapp, Debbie Rapp, and all of the members of the Nickel Family that has supported those who support them during this past deployment.

Welcome home!!!  We missed you!


PS ... Keep those fire/police shirts handy ... They will be your cover charge at a party honoring Heroes.   ( ;

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Nice try for a blue sky in Albuquerque

So, how do you keep a smile on your face when you've traveled all the way to New Mexico for the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta ... and it rains?  You just look around at everyone else in the same boat, or is it basket?  All the balloonists and crews that got up well before dawn with the hope of beautiful blue skies.  And you watch them laugh and smile through it all.

You listen through the pilots briefing, trying to decipher the big words, like "velocity".  You recognize a few words like wind, and rain ... and through it all, the mood is light.

You go grab a breakfast burrito, and hit the vendor booths getting free samples, and taste local treats.  You enter drawings, buy pins and shirts and programs. 

You take your little mascot out to play with the first responders, and get them to pose for the classic "BadAss" shots for which we are becoming known.  (What an opportunity to get a lot of agencies all at one spot.  We met State Police, Sheriff's Depts, Firefighters, Bomb Squad, Mount Police, Albuquerque PD, SWAT, Border Patrol, and more ... and all of them were wonderful.  Hopefully, we will see Albuquerque Heroes stepping up for H2H this go-round.)  We look forward to our next visit to Albuquerque!  A salute to you all!

You watch balloons tether, barely touching earth as they let children play under their special dangling appendages as the giant turtle balloon "Mr Bup" did.  That was just heartwarming to watch, and the kids absolutely loved it.  You can bet they will tell of this experience for many years.

You watch onsite weddings in balloon baskets with large crowds. And you cheer the few balloons that do make it before the weather is called.

You ponder the idea that maybe Albuquerque is a direct translation for "silly hats" ... because you can't remember the last time you saw so many crazy get ups.  You laugh at the zebras, only to find out they are the officials, and are apparently exempt from the fashion police.

You talk to people from all over the world who have come for the same reasons, and you make the best of it.  Even as night falls and the winds don;t die down enough for the Glow, you are satisfied with the burners firing up in unison lighting the field so you can see the smiles on all of the tired faces around you.

And you go back, find a warm comfy bed to snuggle into and fall asleep dreaming of blue skies filled with beautiful balloons.

Oh, the airline photos are from our flight out on United.  What a great crew ... Seattle based!  Sharen had to work part of the flight, she checked the exits, made coffee, served refreshments with the Flight Attendant, checked out the cockpit, and made friends with the ticket agent at SeaTac Airport.  It was a great flight, and we truly loved this crew, they were a lot of fun, and United should be very proud of how much they showed their support for our Troops.  If they cloned thiss crew I would fly only United!  A special moment happened onboard when flight attendant Beth pinned Sharen with some pretty senior wings.  Niiiiice!

We wish all of our aviators, blue skies and soft landings!

Thnak you all for wonderful memories. Oh, and for the record, we left Stunt Bear behind to do some of her signature photo ops ... Larry & Chani are in charge of her.  Can't wait to see what the 3 of them come up with!

'Til next time ...


Wednesday, October 4, 2006

The Triple Nickel Returns!

And this group from the HHC showed up before the sun did!  But, it's gonna be a great day now that they're back.

Tell ya more about it later when I wake up!

Enjoy the pix.  Oh, and so no one gets the wrong idea ... Yes, that is a beer being held in a couple of pictures.  It was sent to the 555 for their return, from the fine folks of LaCrosse, Wisconsin during the national tour.  I promised to bring it to them when they got home.  Promise kept!



Friday, September 22, 2006

IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial 2006

Colorado Springs, CO ~~ From the moment I arrived in this fair city, firefighters were there.  Local 5 saw to it that everyone was greeted at the airport, had transportation, and every reasonable need was met.  Having traveled a bit in the past few years, I have to say this was one of the most organized efforts I've experienced.  This sentiment was spoken often during our stay, and I'd like to go on record with a huge Thank You to all involved!!!

Colorado Springs hosts this event annually, and it is truly amazing.  And though they really make it wonderful for those of us who will come back year after year, their true intent is to make sure that the families and loved ones of those who were lost in the Line Of Duty, are well cared for, and treated with ultimate success.  The hours and hours of time involved for the Colorado Firefighters to make this happen, is unbelievable.  So, we thank them, but also hope that they have gotten a great sense of pride, satisfaction, and a lot of rest since we all left.

The citizens as a whole were most courteous, and receptive to this inundation, kilts, and all!  Everyone was friendly, and it was most appreciated!

The ceremony left many in tears.  I heard it repeated many times that "I didn't even know any of them, but I still couldn't help but cry."  This memorial gets more impressive every year, and bigger.  And the families see the effort of so many through eyes filled with pride.

There is a lot involved to make this all happen so smoothly.  So it was an honor that at the Honor Guard meeting I was allowed time to present HeroToHero.US ... and ... the banner signed by our Troops to the IAFF as a thank you.  It was great to see it put up right at the entrance in the lobby of the Doubletree Hotel where so much was going on.  Not sure if it will go back to DC, or stay in Colorado Springs with the IAFF there.  Either way is good for us, but hope to find out.

We had several large groups dining together, and it wasn't a "local" type thing.  Didn't matter if you were from the same state, or coast.  We went with Seattle, Framingham, Boston, Tualatin Valley, Tacoma, and the boys from Alabama ... and it rocked!  67 of us for dinner made sure that our 4 waitresses earned the tip we left.  And watching the firefighters stop to sing happy birthday to a woman on the way out, was a class act and a lot of fun to watch!

Of course we all ended up downtown, mostly at Jack Quinn's Pub ... and folks, 'til you experience the night life downtown when the pipes and drums march in, you just haven't lived.  That is such a memorable time.  They file, in all of their regalia, and the whole place rocks!  We're not talkin' Amazing Grace at this point, although glasses and mugs are raised and moments fall silent for Fallen Brothers and Sisters.  People hug, and move to the beat and sing along as they can, and just have good harmless fun.  You don't see bar fights here, no matter how much Guinness passes through the crowd.  Just good people!

Of course, Mama Rose (Foti) cames out ahead of time and makes her world famous meatballs.  She spends much of her time in the kitchen as folks come in and out to say hello and pay their respects.  Outstanding as always.  *Note to self, save more room for these!!!  And don't let her know we're going out to eat.  She's small, but she's tough!!!  lol

Kevin McHarg from Canada, helps Rose get the word out for the WTC Families for Proper Burial, making sure black bands are available for all.  This has been an uphill battle for them, and it was nice to see them be allowed a moment to speak at the HG meeting.

One of the coolest parts for me, was getting to see so many familiar faces from past tours.  Nothing like walking in to smiles.  It also made explaining the program to so many, that much easier.  Being on the bus explaining to a Canadian Firefighter that YES we will send shirts to their Troops, too, it was nice to have someone who has participated in H2H, fill in the parts I left out.  NIIIICE teamwork!

And for the record, we welcome all of our ally countries to participate in the HeroToHero.US Troop Morale campaign.  How cool would it be to have not just Canada, but Britain, Australia, etc., follow the lead?!  Let's get 'em ALL shirts!

Hope you enjoy the photos.  If you have more that you took, and you'd like to share them, send them our way! 

Good seeing you all.  Stay safe.  Start collecting those shirts!  That Valentine's Day deadline will be here before you know.  Oh, and make sure to go on the main site under the "First Responders" tab and pledge your participation.  We NEED you ... the Troops are counting on us all!

A moment of silence please for all of those whose names are on the Wall ... 122 were added this year.


**This was sent to me recently, seemed appropriate to share ...

Thank God For Firefighters ...

Your alarm goes off, you hit the snooze and sleep for another 10 minutes.

~~The tone goes off at 2 in the morning he is on his way to a wreck with entrapment.
You take a warm shower to help you wake up.

~~He's been awake for three days working at four different stations running calls all day and night and doesn't get to shower.

You complain of a "headache", and call in sick.

~~He gets burned or trapped inside, or while cutting someone out of a car something flies off the car and injures him, or car explodes, he gets called to a medical call where someone was shot ... is that person still around!!!

You meet up with your friends at the camp and get drunk!

~~He responds to the unconscious people and the grass fire you started.

You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket.

~~He kisses the Maltese Cross around his neck and says a prayer before he goes in the burning building.

You talk trash on your "buddies" that aren't with you.

~~He prays that his buddy next to him comes out alive and they watch out for each other...for they know the value of a true friend and are brothers and sisters for life.

You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.

~~He crawls around a pitch black, totally involved house searching for the old lady and her grandchild that didn't make it out.

You complain about how hot it is.

~~He wears his heavy gear, not taking it off in the 900 degree heat and flames for he appreciates the heat and learns to deal with it.

You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong.

~~All he got was a MRE from a rehab truck because he only has a 10 minute break before he has to go back out and try to stop the three hundred acre grass fire from reaching any houses.

Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes.

~~He wears the same things for days, but makes sure his trucks, gear, and equipment are clean.

You go to the mall and get your hair redone.

~~He didn't have time to take a shower or brush his teeth this morning because they got a four alarm fire.

You call your girlfriend and set a date for that night.

~~He goes sometimes weeks not going home or seeing the ones he loves.

You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday.

~~He looks at the picture he keeps in his wallet or gear and kisses it and says "BABY I PROMISE I'M COMING HOME SOON AND IF I DON'T, I LOVE YOU AND I JUST HOPE I DID EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO MAKE YOU HAPPY."

You roll your eyes as a baby cries.

~~He sits on the curb and his buddies kneel down and cry and say a prayer for the child that didn't make it.

You criticize your local fire station because they got behind you and were holding down the air horn trying to get you to get out of the way

~~He prays even if you don't move out of the way that they can make it in time to save the people inside and maybe even the house.

You hear firefighters joke around and say they are nothing but a bunch of jackasses

~~He hears the tone and they are ready in a moments notice, it's all fun when its just him and his buddies at the station playing around, once that tone goes off it's all work and no play.

You hear on the news some firefighters were laughing at a wreck and think "a**holes"

~~He sees the only way to try not to cry out in front of everyone because someone didn't make it, was to tell a joke about one of his buddies.

You stay at home and watch TV.

~~He takes whatever time he is given to clean, eat, fix something at the station, cook, wash firetrucks, and then relaxes for 20 minutes and has to go assist a medic unit with a collapse patient.

You crawl into your bed, with down pillows, and try to get comfortable.

~~He crawls into a single person bed with a stiff pillow and just a sheet at 4 in the morning to try and sleep until 6 before he has to go to his next shift at one of the other stations.

You sit there and judge him, saying he is stupid for running into a burning building.

~~If only there were more men and women like him.

(Thanks to Danny Rinaldi & Karen Leming for sharing this one)

Monday, September 11, 2006

It is September 11th

As the midnight hour loomed near, then passed into the wee hours of the fifth anniversary of 9/11, I made sure to take a moment to close my eyes and say a prayer for all we lost that infamous day. 

No doubt we will be inundated with flashes of moments from our recent past.  No matter our beliefs, or feelings, hopefully we will be aware that this affected not only those we lost, but many family members, friends, and co-workers.

Amd still, we move forward.  And to mark the day, the new website is up for the first responders and the Troops. And so our flags are flying, and we are aware of the world around us, we have, can, and will go on.  With respect and honor.

Today I will hug those I love, I will call my family and let them know that if tomorrow never came, they would still be loved.

And we will move forward in honoring our firefighters, police and all emergency first responders as we kick off the 4th year of the Troop Morale Campaign that is HeroToHero.US

Adoption requests are open, Pledge Forms are ready, and so it begins.

Today, take a moment.  Reflect then look forward.

Blessings to all.

( ;



Thursday, August 31, 2006

Hometown Proud!

30 August 06 ~ Today was such a great day.  And I was honored to be there as Tacoma Fire Department swore in their new Chief.  Ron Stephens was surrounded by family, friends, firefighters, community leaders, and locals who were happy to see that Tacoma really got it right when they chose him over the other national contenders!  (Nothing against any of them, but we love our Chief!)

Chief Stephens has been an amazing supporter for HeroToHero.US and we were a little concerned when we heard that the city had decided not to just make him the official choice after his time as acting Chief.  But there is no doubt now.  After a nationwide search was conducted,  Chief Stephens rose once more to the top.

Let there be no doubt that he has earned this spot.  Aside from being loved and respected by so many he has truly earned his bugles.

Joining TFD in 1977, he truly worked his way up that fire ladder. From field officer; lieutenant, captain of the training division; deputy harbor master; assistant manager of the Tacoma Emergency Operations Center; assistant chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau, equal employment opportunity officer; to the deputy chief of administration.

That would seem like enough, huh?  But no, you have to add: Coordinator of Hazardous Materials Team; member of the South Puget Sound Regional Hazardous Materials Team; certified hazmat technician; board member and service as treasurer of the Puget Sound Marine Firefighting Commission ... and a Hero to us at H2H!

Chief Stephens, congratulations, and SALUTE!



Monday, August 14, 2006

The latest

Greetings from H2H!

So, let's see.  Looks like we need an update as we near our annual Shirt Drive KickOff.  We are undergoing MAJOR changes in the program ... All due to the growing popularity of this Troop Morale Campaign!  Stay tuned.

First off, the Journal is being slowly updated as well. (Having to prioritize things right now.  Sigh.)  Think I'm partially through NYC as of this input.  C'mon, there was a LOT that happened on this tour!  Want to try to remember ALL of it

Which reminds me, if I left something out of a visit, PLEASE let me know and I'll get it in there --- Especially links to some of the great events and programs that you all do for your communities, our Troops, and more.  This is a great place to share those things!

Anyway ... Here's the latest.

We will kick off the 4th Annual Shirt Drive for HeroToHero.US, on September 11th.  Remember the deadline Valentine's Day so that we have them all in time for Pack-Out on Saturday, February 24th, 2007

TROOPS --- September 11th also marks the first day for TROOP ADOPTION REQUESTS for this cycle.  To be considered, a unit must be desert-deployed, and able to receive mail in mid-March 2007.

We do not send to 1 or 2 in a unit, we adopt the ENTIRE unit.  This is all first come, first served.  We will adopt every unit for which we are able to get shirts.  Contact your hometown fire/police depts and get them onboard!

For a unit to be adopted, you MUST fill out a Request Form on the main site.  You will be notified that the adoption request was received ... If you do not receive a response, the request did not reach us, and we ask you then to contact us at once, at   You will be advised of your acceptance once we arecertain we can outfit ALL of your Troops.

Every unit must have TWO points of contact, one of which must be a Commander, 1st Sgt/NCOIC, or Chaplain.  Foremost, these POC's are responsible for seeing that every Troop receives 1 item each.  We ask units send photos back to the program and donators of the items they receive, as this is a show of support and respect both ways!  It is, afterall, Hero To Hero.

All requirements for adoption will be posted on the Adoption page.  Watch the site ... Remember, we are updating.  The website is under construction, too.

For the record, we have shipped out over 11,000 shirts over the last 3 years.  This year Sarnia, Canada came on board, and they will be sending shirts from their First Responders to their Troops, who are with our Troops in Afghanistan.  We welcome this sister effort, and are proud to welcome Canada to HeroToHero.US!

The tour was amazing!  I apologize for the delay in inputting the words for all of the pix, but if you can understand that I do this part of the effort alone, perhaps you will be able to grant me some leeway.  (Please?)  Check it out in our archives.

FIRST RESPONDERS --- September 11th set out boxes in your depts for shirts to be placed.  Use permanent ink black/silver Sharpies to write messages of support on dept logo'd shirts.  NO politics!  These shirts will hopefully find their way to deployed hometown Troops via H2H.  Attach a business card/contact info if you'd like a possible response from the Troop receiving your shirt.  *NO sealed items for security reasons.  Take lots of pix of your efforts and send them our way, we'll share them on the journal.

DEADLINE: Valentine's Day send those shirts to us via US Mail to:



PO BOX 98954


If using UPS/FedEx/DHL, etc., contact us for a street address where we will accept shirts.

Check specifics on the "Make a Pledge" page of the main site.  *Again, watch for updates as we move forward.

First Responders interested in attending the Pack-Out, February 24th, 2007 in the Tacoma, Washington area, please advise us as soon as possible.

We are starting up meetings again, and welcoming in new volunteers as the latest deployments have begun, and this year's adopted Troops are homeward bound.  Hooray!  If you are local to Fort Lewis/McChord AFB, and interested in getting involved, we'd love to hear from you!

So there you have it, Heroes.  We need you ALL to do your part.  Spread the word.  If EVERY hometown fire, police and first responder would send us one shirt & one dollar each year 'til the Troops come home, we could get a shirt on every hometown Troop.  

Let Them know that no matter our personal politics, or views, They are not forgotten, and we will support Them!  We've begun asking for a dollar donation with each shirt this year.  Not a lot to make a Troop smile!  (It costs us +/- 90 cents per shirt, to send to the desert ... We are open to any alternatives, BTW! )

Well, I think that's it.  No matter what you do on September 11th, please take a moment and remember America's Fallen, our Heroes, and their Loved Ones.

Note:  The posted photos are from this past national tour and from Troops who are paying respects to Their stateside Heroes for the shirts off their backs. 

Check out the "It's Official" shots ... There are lots more of them!  THESE are our Heroes!


Thursday, June 29, 2006

Boise & Portland ... The last stops!!!

The last stops of the tour.  It is hard to describe the adrenalin rush that comes at this point of the tour.  You're excited to make it this far, but so ready for it to be over.

The day goes by in a flash of smiles, pictures and memories that are all cataloged and able to be pulled up when a happy thought is needed.

As with the other stops, here are the pix ... the rest of the story will follow.

Thanks everyone ... For the memories


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Jerome, Idaho

Jerome, Idaho.  Wow!  I had not heard of Jerome before they sent us shirts for the troops.  Now, I look forward to the next time I can visit. 

These are some of the nicest people you can hope to meet.  They are fun loving and hardworking, and I respect all of them for these values.

They had been watching the journal and were trying to figure out what they had to stack up against the alligator.  I think they did just fine!  Turns out one of their claims to fame, is being the only place in the country that has free, legal, base jumping.

They have a local guy, Mark Ripley, who jumps just about every day ... and as we held our breath, he took Stunt Bear on the fall of her life!  And he returned her unmarked back to my arms.  I cannot imagine how he does what he does, but it was one of the most thrilling things I have ever seen!

There will be more about Jerome, just wanted to get the photos up for you all to enjoy.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

Bozeman & Butte

It was grey, wet and cloudy as the tour proceeded through Montana.  But every mile west, was a mile closer to home.

Bozeman met me with big smiles and open arms, and I thank them.  I had gotten used to JeeNee taking all of the pix, now I had to try to find my way solo.  I missed her, but knew she had done the right thing for her kids.

In the meantime, there were lots of new people to meet.  Bozeman was a first time stop, but definitely worth a repeat visit!  Need to go back for some better pictures!  ( ;

Butte was a repeat stop.  They are a more reserved visit.  Or it was a quiet day ... probably the latter.

Stunt bear had had enough by this time and decided to check out, fortunately the guys were there to talk her down, and she is healing quite nicely.  Still hear soft muttering about alligators, bridges, and spud guns.  Go figure ...  hehe


Billings & the Potato Gun

What can ya say about Billings?  We LOVE these guys!

BFD was the reason for the Stunt Bear.  Last year one of the guys came up with the idea of shooting SHertz out of a potato gun.  Well that wasn't gonna happen, but I promised when we came back that there would be a stunt bear available for whatever they came up with.

And so we returned, and the Stunt Bear served her purpose ... three times!  lol

Budge made sure that she was patched back up. 

We always have fun here ... this time was no exception!

More to follow.

**Note:  This was the point where JeeNee left the tour.  She had been missing her kids from the day we left, and her daughter was graduating the next day.  She hopped the 6am flight out and was home in time to surprise her daughter just after lunch.

So, if the pix are not up to par beyond this point, it is my fault not hers!


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Fargo & Bismarck ... And, is that a cow?!?!?!

We started in Fargo and ended up in Bismarck.  And before the day was over, a giant cow loomed on the horizon ... Or we really need to quit driving soooooon!

Enjoy the pix.


Minneapolis ~ St Paul & a Fridley Heart Stop

So glad we decided to go back to the Minneapolis - St Paul area ... It was worth the effort!

Any time you get both sides of the house ... Fire & Police ... It's a great day!

We had been here once before, and met up with the St Paul FD but somehow missed Minneapolis.

Don't get me wrong, that was a really nice visit, there were lots of firefighters on hand and we left with several boxes of shirts.  But, we did miss MFD.

So, last September when I met up with Mike, a member of the MFD Honor Guard at the IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial in September, I gave him pure grief for standing us up.  He looked at me like my hair was on fire ... Oh wait, umm, like I was out of my mind ... Nope, that one won't work either, dang!  Anyway, he was shocked to hear that we had not made the hook up with them on the tour.

Well, suffice it to say, there is no doubt that we have plenty of support up in the twin cities!  Our standard visit is one stop in each city, we hit nearly half a dozen  in the greater MPLS -St Paul area!

From the first stop at the Minneapolis PD where we ticketed the cops, to another MPD stop to get even more cops on board ... And we were just getting started!

The media showed up for us.  Thank you, Tom Aviles with WCCO-TV.

While we were at the second police stop, Minneapolis Fire pulled in and played with us for a bit.  You can feel the great camaraderie between the forces there and we always love seeing that.  Great senses of humor out there, and we were just beginning our day!

Part of our fun was following our hosts, June & Taylor ... Sheesh!  lol  We had a lot of ground to cover in little time, and they got us to our stops on time and in one piece, so no complaints here.  But it is our journal so we reserve the right to pick on anyone we like!  Seriously though, we want to thank them both for being so helpful to us, leading us in, setting us up in a nice hotel, and taking us to the Mall of the Americas, offloading the van for us, and just being outstanding support for the mission.

Finally we got to meet up with Mike and the guys at Station 4.  They may be the most professional guys on call, but they also know how to have a good time for a good cause! 

They did some fun photo ops with Sharen and stunt bear.  And we got to meet Dom ... He's kind of a big deal.  Honestlythough, they were all a lot of fun and very respectful of our efforts.  Hope to catch up with some of them in Colorado Springs at the Memorial this year.

But our stops did not end here, June had an extra visit planned for us, a true heart stop.  We headed on over to Fridley ... I think it's a direct translation from the word friendly.  These folks were great!  Both fire and police were there for us, and were so willing to play along and pose as we needed.  Any Fridley Troops will love seeing this kind of support from their hometown.

After all of this, it was dinner at the Mall of the Americas ... Dang, that is a big mall!  lol  We were barely inside when we realized it was Sunday after 6pm and there would be very little we would actually see.  Never the less, it was a lot of fun, and a great change of pace from the road.

Thank you all for the outstanding generosity, support and hospitality.  Minnesota rocks!

**Now, start those shirt collections!  We need all of you to step up for the Troops this year.  The official drive begins September 11th ... But, you can start early!



Sunday, June 18, 2006

Milwaukee & La Crosse

There are some stops that just make ya smile.  This day had two of them.

Milwaukee was a return visit, and a reminder that they make the absolute best lunches on the entire tour!  Hey, that matters.  ( ;

They also had the same sense of humor we remembered from last time.  It is often the laughter that keeps us going strong when the road gets long.

La Crosse on the other hand was a first time visit.  But this is a place we would go back to, without question.  The entire town exuded family and friendship.  La Crosse was so clean, and so welcoming.  I would return on a family vacation!

If you do ever find yourself up this way, be sure to check out the home where we stayed, the future "Stately Inn".  Special thanks to the Grave's family for their hospitality and warmth.  We truly enjoyed this stay!

Thanks to La Crosse for their generosity, and their support of HeroToHero.US

More will follow ...




What can we say?  Three times to Chicago, three outstanding visits.  It was good seeing some familiar faces from the last few years, and sad to hear of the loss of a good man whom I was honored to meet the first time around.  God bless you, Joel.

These guys never fail to bring a smile ... check that ... outright laughter.  And this far along the tour, laughter is a wonderful thing.

More later ... Enjoy the pix!


Indianapolis & Springfield

Another great day.  The people we ae meeting in the midwest all seem to have the same basic makeup ... They are all hardworking, hard playing, serious, yet warm and fun folks.

There is also a lot of pride in their communities, especially as it regards their commitments.

More to follow.  But we would be very remiss if we did not thank Jay Bishop and his family for spending time with us and welcoming us into their home. 

Another very special thank you to Mr Fears and his friendly, helpful staff at the Hilton Hotel in Springfield.  Not only did we have a comfortable room, but a wonderful view of Springfield from our room.  And ... The bellmen gave us great tips and advice, that was spot on as we continued our travels.  If you're ever in Springfield, make your reservation at the Hilton.  We will!

This was a very memorable stop.  Thank you all!


We're HO-O-O-O-O-O-O-OME!

The tour was a wonderful success.  So many incredible experiences, so much more to share.

I will continue to post the photos, then get all the accompanying messages up for each stop. ... In between naps, and a lot of rest for the next 2 weeks.

Thank you all so much for all of the love and support.  This was unforgettable, and happily so.

And for the record, Stunt Bear did make it back home in one piece ... mostly.

Stay tuned.


Saturday, June 17, 2006

Wheeling - Columbus & Cincinnati

WHEELING~~ This was our very first visit to West Virginia.  In fact, the first time either of us had been there.  It is a beautiful part of the country with lush greenery, and really good people.

Wheeling is a picturesque town with old buildings, a really beautiful bridge and downtown, and an ornery sense of humor ... at least at the fire department.  We got to be part of the tradition of soaking the rookies, which is great fun!  Turns out the locals are very aware of the tradition, and they are all ready for it as the new guys stand proudly for photos in front of the firehouse while the old hands stand overhead with buckets of cold water.

And so it was that we got them to pose for us and got the action shots of the dousing as the business people across the street laughed and clapped.  It was a blast ... of course we can say that, as we were nice and dry!  Sorry guys, but thanks for being such great sports.

We stayed local to the station for the shots in Wheeling, but that was perfect as right across from them is a beautiful church with a high steeple from which they rescued ... and dropped & caught! ... Stunt Bear.  And of course they set each other up, as one guy got blasted with the smoke and returned the favor by keeping that guy in the basket up in the air for a few extra seconds.

But I think the most favorite moment was when the Chief asked if we would take a special photo.  He had the picture of his father and his son ... both in military uniform ... set up on the rear of the rig.  He told us the history behind the pictures and we watched the pride in his face speaking of his father serving under General MacArthur.  He explained that the uniform tie was not put on to look spiffy in the photo, but that the General expected his men to wear ties and look sharp at all times.  Looks like he knew what he was talking about, the man looked great!  And the Chief's son looked dashing in his Academy uniform.  There is a history of service in this family, and indeed in this part of the country.  The respect is apparent.

We thankand salute Wheeling.  It was an honor spending this short time with you, and we would absolutely love to return and stay a lil longer as you requested!

**And remember, Chief, if your son deploys we want to adopt his unit and send shirts out to him and his fellow Troops!

And so we said so long and headed west to Columbus, Ohio.  I had met firefighter Clem Thurm at the IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial in September '05, and he asked right then if we would come visit them.  Hey, how can you say no to the "Cleminator"?!?  ( ;

As if this one contact wasn't enough, turned out that we had another connection to Columbus from a local source.  One of the other efforts I do for the Troops is called Operation HeartStone ...   Wherein I have made and given away about 60,000 small clay hearts to the Troops.  (This has helped fund H2H)  Well, it turns out that one of the women who have supported this part of the effort is Lynda Drygas, sister of Columbus City Council President Matt Habash ... A reallllllllly great guy!

So when we pulled in to Columbus, a little late after the water fun in Wheeling ... there was a wonderful representation from the Fire Department, City Council, and the local media!  There are just some wonderful people out there!  We were welcomed with a great meal, big smiles and lots of laughs. 

We even got to meet "Captain Bill", he is a gentleman who comes in and spends time with the firefighters at the station, and they make part of their family.  It is obvious he admires them all, and they make him feel very special while he is there with them.

There was a warm feel to this visit, and we were able to feel the pride in the city as it is growing.  Matt was warm and welcoming and gracious and invited us to return to do it up right ... and we are more than interested!  And we are pretty excited about the whole helicopter idea, buddy!  ( ;

We do have one question that we can't answer, and are asked often, as y'all are in the photo album that we share everywhere ... "What's the deal with Top Gun?"  No, we really want to know!

Clem, you were right.  There are some pretty great people in Columbus!  Thank you so much for inviting us (and I missed you in Colorado Springs this year). 

Lynda & Matt, you rock!  Thank you for supporting us, and being the people you are.

Hey Lynda, coffee?  Starbucks ... on me!  You have the number.  ( ;

But the tour continued, and this was a three-stop day.  So as the rain poured around us, we headed on to Cincinnati.

We pulled in to a smaller station just off the freeway and found one guy in house while the others were on a run.  It was pretty quiet, and we aren't certain that this poor guy had any idea who we were or what we were doing, or for that matter, why were we there?!  So we spread the banner out on the table, after we moved the Sudoku puzzles out of the way ... Oh and btw, thanks, I am now addicted to those danged things!  lol

We weren't sure the rest of the guys would make it back before we had to hit the road once more ... but they did!  So we got the banner signed, shared the photo album and learned 'em a thing or two about H2H.  They were great sports and we got them outside for a couple quick shots before the sky unzipped once more!

Of course we did get "chastised" lightly for having never visited before, as Cincinnati Fire Department has the history of being The Nation's First Career Firefighters.  Honestly guys, had we known ... 

A question though, I wanted to learn a little more about y'all so I went to your site at and was looking at some of the photos and more.  My question is, which house were we at?  Is it in one of the photos?  It didn't seem to be a new house, and seemed like there might be some history there.  Would love to know.

No matter the answer, you guys were great, and we appreciate your hospitality.  Ohio is pretty high on our list of favorite states, and some of the reasons are ... Cleveland, Toledo, Columbus & Cincinnati!  You have represented very well that you support our Troops ... Now, let's see what you can do in the shirt department.  We need your shirts by Valentine's Day, and we have proof that you are officially in the shirt drive!  lol

We will hit the road again in May, hope to see some familiar faces out there next time around!  The next tour is called the "Passport Tour", and the official stops will have foreign names, like Paris, Texas.  So where are YOUR foreign cities in Ohio?  We can still come see old friends, they will be our "heart stops".

We salute West Virginia, and Ohio ... YOU ARE WONDERFUL!


Detroit - Toledo & Cleveland

Okay, it takes a while to get thru all of this and get the new stuff up, and I need to be spanked for delaying this long ...  Having said that ...

DETROIT ~~  What a surprise they had for us here!  We thought we would be doing a quick in & out, and only be speaking with one representative of the DFD ... WRONG!!!

Talk about class acts!  We arrived on a beautiful sunny day, right around noon. Andre greeted us, got the van pulled in off the street, and we began showing him a bit of what had preceded this stop.  We thought he was the "whole show" in Detroit, and we were fine just being there.  But he stopped us and suggested we come upstairs and meet some folks and join them for lunch.

Bet our jaws dropped.  Because the room was filled with firefighters from headquarters and beyond ... including the Chaplain, who is a hoot!  (Love that guy!)  And spread out on the big tables in the middle of the room were shirts ... Lots of shirts!  Each had a letter attached with a message from the DFD.  It was evident that they had really stepped up for the Troops ... and here we thought they were barely aware of our efforts!  Sigh. 

Even better, there were these little fire helmets that made JeeNee and I laugh because all we could think of was the "Mad Hatters" of St Louis!

The Chief was a crack up, posing for us in his office with Sharen and just being a great sport!  They gave us a wonderful tour of the department, and you can see the evident pride in their history of the DFD and far they have come.  It is quite impressive.

We had a wonderful lunch of chinese food, that they ordered in.  And we loved the photo ops with this bunch.  The Chaplain had us in stitches posing for his pictures!  He was trying to look tough, but you could see that twinkle in his eyes!  Listening to him speak of Heroes was something that has stayed with me.  He is just a truly cool guy!

They even brought Sparky out and before you know it, lil Ms Sharen was flirting with him, and they drove off together into the bay.  The guys did some real Detroit-Style pics for us on their rig outside, as cars drove by and ho and waved at them out there in the sunshine.  Sadly, we had to say farewell too soon.

So we pulled Sharen away from Sparky, loaded up the van ... including a special shirt from their Chaplain to a military Chaplain, that will go out in the next shipment... and we were off to Toledo.  Detroit ... YOU ROCK!  And YES, we would very much love to come back and spend more time on a future tour!

TOLEDO ~~ We have been here every year so far on the the national tour, and every time they have opened the door and let us in ... gotta love that!  lol

This has never been a big activity visit, but we always have a good time.  This time it was unique in that for the most part it was the families of the firefighters who entertained us.  The alarm went off, and the crew followed just as we had begun getting the BadA** shots.  No worrries, when the Dads left, the kids stepped in and assumed the Attitude for us.  We think they did a great job.  The Moms were having fun watching the kids come up with new ideas for things to do with the bears ... and all we had to do was click, they had it all in control!

It's always nice for us to get to see kids on the road, it reminds us of home and getting hugs from the little ones is always a special time after being away so long.  These kids obviously knew the station well, and were all about showing us how to do the cool stuff.

While we thought they were all special, there was a young lady, young Gabrielle, who touched our hearts with her quiet smile and beautiful eyes.  You meet her right around picture #127.  Wanna really be a HERO?  Take the time to read about her and check out her website ...

"Gabrielle's Gems was started in October 2005 by Angie Segura to help
offset the medical expenses of her daughter Gabrielle's neurological
testing, physical therapy, and personal equipment needed.  Fifty
percent of the profits are directed to a special account to help
Gabrielle live a happy and healthy life that is as close to normal as
possible.  Your support for Gabrielle through Gabrielle's Gems is
greatly appreciated." 

You can contact them at ...

Thank you Toledo, it was good to see you all again.  And wonderful to meet your families.  Take care of Gabrielle and our other young friends.  We will see you again!

CLEVELAND ~~ WE LOVE CLEVELAND!!!  Been there every year, and hope to see them every time we can!  And every year, our Hero has been Mike Rosepal (& his wife Shelley).  Mike was the first to open the door to me back on the first time around.  He organized their shirt drive and sent us a lot of great shirts!

We've haven't seen a lot of Cleveland, just the firehouses & some pretty great firefighters, and that has worked out just perfectly.  We have stayed with the Rosepal family and had meals with them  ... SHE can cook!!!  (We still want the recipe for the chicken.)  And the kids & friends are fun, too.  We've gotten our hair done, and been pampered here, so it's always fun!

We've visited a different firehouse each time we've gone to Cleveland, and kind of like the trend.  Don't know how many houses they have there, but as long as they will have us, we'll go back!

So Mike get those shirts collected, we have more Troops who want them this year.  And save us some ice cream ... can't remember the name of the stuff - feel free to let us know in the comments section, cuz that's some GOOD eatin'!

Thank you all ... Detroit, Toledo & Cleveland ... we salute you all!


PS ... Sharen sends her best to Sparky, she still gets misty-eyed looking at their pictures.  ( ;