Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Gooooooooo Toronto!

6-10-08 -- Ahhhh, Toronto -- What a great turnout from the Toronto Fire, EMS, & Police heroes!

Rayanne Dubkov and Paul Beames, our hosts at the Toronto Fire Academy were just as friendly and helpful as we could ask.

It was apparent from the moment we pulled up that this was not just a last minute effort.  From the big welcome on the board, to the banners showing support, to the tables covered with shirts, and all of the messages sent back from the troops who have received these shirts in the past ... It was all perfect!

Inside the group gathered as we shared the program with them.  Outside the bbq grill was fired up and the sausage sandwiches smelled great.

The Combat Challenge team showed up with a shirt of their own to present, and stayed to enjoy the fun.

Ms Ineeda Medic was again in the line of fire, but this time there was no scope involved.  We think she might have been directing the hoseman, but we'd have advised she stand in a different place.  Before you knew it, the water had sent her tumbling and it took a few of us to wring her out.

We still had another stop to make and we didn't want to show up with her being all soaking wet.  Fortunately Rayanne had a great idea, and we strapped the lil bear to the tailgate of Rayanne's pickup as we headed to Collingwood.  Even with a few light rain showers, Ineeda was nearly dry when we got there.

Now, when we 're on the road, we're always open to learning new things.  So imagine how much fun it was to get to see a representation of the first Canadian Fire Truck ... Ingenious, I tell you!  Ingenious.  Hmmm, we'll have to look for the first American Fire Truck to see what we find.  lol

We want to thank everyone involved for the great support, and special thanks again to Rayanne & Paul for their outstanding efforts on our behalf.  We had a great time -- Hope to visit again in the future!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings to Paul Beames from Mark Beames in Washington, D.C.!!