Monday, September 29, 2008

A special appearance at Quinn's

9-20-08 -- Who knew there would be guest stars?!  Now we can neither confirm nor deny, but rumor has it that a You Tube celeb was spotted partying with the firefighters at Quinn's.

Hmmm, could be.  But no facial hair.  Was he just trying to fly under the radar?  He certainly was popular, flirting with the ladies, checking back pockets ... And even leading by example -
Giving the shirt off his back for the troops for HeroToHero.US along with a firefighter friend of his!  Niiiiice!  (Knew I liked this guy!)

Still not sure if you know him?  Check out the You Tube series **Read below "Policeman vs Fireman".  There is an entire irreverent series of these, and most of the firefighting attendees at Quinn's could & did quote the more famous lines.

In any event, he brought smiles & laughter to the evenings of the memorial.  I'm sure we'll see lots more of him & his friends ... And appreciate him stepping up for the HeroToHero.US Troop Morale Campaign!  Salute!

**The photos from the IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial events are all posted below, so be sure to scroll down through the "Practice, Practice, Practice" posts.

As for using the photos ... They are not for commercial use, but if you find any that you are in, feel free to "click to enlarge" them before you cut & paste them for your personal use. 

If you post them on your sites, please just give us credit "Photos by Liz Jackson/www.HeroToHero.US"  Any other uses, please email me directly at: HeroShirts

To all, thank you for letting me share this experience with you once more.  Y'all rock!!!


**Checkout the "puppetmaster's" site ... ... And learn everything you want to know about Jake & Perry.

And YES this is where you can find the for real Jake & Perry tees!

Also, be sure to check out their latest ... Episode 10 is out & it's good!

Stay in school!

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