Monday, September 8, 2008

More from North Bend -- "Burn to Learn"

9-7-08 -- They looked like firefighters when I got there, and by the end of the day they looked like they'd been doing it for years.

A couple of them asked if I could make sure to catch their smiles, and I did.  But they were a pretty focused group, and a lot of the pics just show the intensity after they came out of the tower hot and sweaty.

I never knew how the instructors were chosen or compensated for the time they spend there.  I've had it explained that the state pays them.  So while they are on their days off of their respective fire departments, they are still "on the clock" when sharing their expertise.

A great quote from Firefighter/instructor Aaron Fields is "... most of us are involved in teaching because we are dedicated learners."  Well said.

What I watch are guys who really love what they're doing.  This is important work, but they make it fun.

Chief Lyon calls it "Disneyland for firefighters", the moniker has stuck & is very apt.  You catch  that look in their eyes when the recruits show they've taken it all in and can put it to use.  And you get the feeling that most of these guys would do this for nothing. 

This is one of the many reasons I have such a respect for these guys.  Much respect for Chief Lyon & Firefighter Fields!

**If any of you recruits would like to leave a positive message for any of the instructors, you can add a comment on this post.  (I can not imagine any of these recruits would post anything negative.  Just need to restate occasionally - Our policy is not to post negative -- You can watch the news for that.  This is a troop morale campaign, after all.)

Family members, you are more than welcome to post encouraging messages for your recruits here as well.  I know that had you been there you'd be telling these kids how proud you are of them ... So go ahead!  ( ;

Hope you guys like your pix ... Now be sure to go to the main site and show us your hearts.  September 11th is coming up this week and with it is the kickoff of the 6th annual Hero Shirt Drive - our troops are counting on all of you!

You all have an extra shirt/sweatshirt, etc.  ONE shirt EACH from everyone at your station, add your message to a troop then combine it with all the others from your house and PLEDGE that number at www.HeroToHero.US  We need you all to step up, and the troops will be able to see your hometown name on the list as the Pledges grow.  You have til New Year's Eve, but please don't wait.  Prove you have "Not Forgotten" by marking the day with this gesture for our heroes.

And keep us posted of upcoming events in Washington State that you would like photographed so we can keep sharing with the troops looking for a taste of home.

**A question was raised about why the flag is at half staff at the Academy.  We had a crazy shooting in Skagit County that killed 6people, one of which was Skagit County Deputy Anne Jackson.  I believe this is the reason.  If I'm wrong, let me know and I will make the corrections.  Our hearts go out to all involved.  A special prayer for the Jackson family.

You guys looked great!


**And no ... These are still not the pix from the Combined Volunteer Academy ... They are ready & waiting - We just need a graduation date.  And FYI - Pirolo is gonna think he is a rockstar when he gets a peek at them!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to say I am proud to see five fire cadets moving up to be volunteer,s in South Pierce Fire and Rescue -17 I want to welcome all the new Recruits it looks we will have a grate bunch when finished.
                                                                George Gendron
                                                                Cadet Advisor