Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We're still here!!!

Hey y'all~  I know that I have not been posting recently.  So, want my list of excuses?  Won't say the dog ate my homework, but ...

I am writing this on my NEW MacBook Pro.  Thank you to the geniuses and staff at the Southcenter Apple store for going through all of this with me.  After buying this machine in April, I apparently got some corrupted software that loved eating photos.  Before it was through, over 92,000 (Yup, there are three zeroes there!) of our photos documenting the entire history of HeroToHero.US were gone.  Well, actually I could still see them, but couldn't do anything with them.  Sigh.

Apple kept doing all they could, taking my laptop in for servicing over 4 times in this short duration.  When all was said and done, they traded out my laptop and have me on my way ... sans the photos -- most of which are on an external drive (that may be corrupted as well).

The tears have dried and so now we are on to Plan B.  A big sigh and let's get back to it.  So if you haven't heard from me there have been reasons.

The other reason is that I spent time with our Bonney Lake heroes as they made plans and ultimately honored their Chief in great style.  The coming posts will give you a feel of what it takes to honor a man like Chief Dan Packer.

Now, the next trick is to find the magic route I had on the old machine to load photos en mass, rather than 1 or 2 at a time.  Cuz, boy is it gonna take a lonnnng time if I do it that way!

So bear with me, and hopefully you'll get to see our heroes with their hearts on display as they honor their own.

*I just figured out how to load the Journal ... Now to figure out the pix, and we are back in business!  WOOHOO!



Anonymous said...

Best of luck, and looking forward to your posts! Shame about the photos,though.Thanks for posting an update:)
Kathi in Virginia

Anonymous said...

It is great to have you back online!  I know it may not feel like it right now, but you are better off with the Apple...

Looking forward to your ramblings again...


Anonymous said...

Thanks!  Didn't know anyone even noticed.  lol  Get ready for a LOT of the memorial pix - Chief Packer was much loved & respected.

Anonymous said...

Thanks!  Didn't know anyone even noticed.  lol  Get ready for a LOT of the memorial pix - Chief Packer was much loved & respected.