Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bringing the Chief home ...

7-30-08  Today Chief Packer came home. 

He made his entrance in the style due him.  Firefighters from East Pierce Fire & Rescue stood in a relaxed cordon  after his plane landed.

This was a private event for his family and his firefighting family. 

I am only posting a few photos of the actual homecoming to pay heed to the intention of the event.  These are their memories and I don't want to take a moment of it from them.  They have every photo and video I shot.  **If I get word from the department or family telling me to post the rest I will, otherwise, you will get the feeling from these.

What I want to share are the more public moments seen by many along the way home as firefighters lined the overpasses and stood on the side of the road to honor Chief Dan Packer.

A moment of silence please.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And all I can say in silent is a sincere thank you. N.